About Mission 14

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Our Vision

End the worst form of modern-day slavery—the trafficking of children.

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Our Mission

Work with our partners to end slavery and to fight human sex trafficking with a focus on the trafficking of children worldwide.

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Our Values

Mission 14 is a faith based organization built on our belief that love, justice, and compassion are actions that cannot be accomplished from the sidelines.

Here are the steps we are taking in this battle for justice.

Join Us. BE BRAVE and become a member of our army of difference makers.

Our Vision is to end the worst form of modern-day slavery—the trafficking of children.

How do we do this?


You can engage in this fight by donating to support the annual Human Trafficking Conferences or by comming alongside our sewing school in Nicaragua.


Take 5 minutes and visit our Resource Library and educate yourself on the issue of human trafficking. The portal offers some of the very best resources and educational materials from our non-profit partners in one centralized location.
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We believe that it’s never too late to stand up and fight for what is right. The call to action is to become a member of our Army of Difference makers and become advocates for change in your communities by getting educated and learning how you can help. Every act of bravery you make, no matter how small, can inspire others to do the same.

Together, we have the power to put an end to modern-day slavery.



We Are Making a Difference

“Mission 14® is founded on Christian principles, specifically Micah 6:8 which says, ‘And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’ Our organization is built on the belief that love, justice,  and compassion are actions that can’t be accomplished from the sidelines. I hope and pray that Mission 14 will play a part in stimulating people’s sense of compassion for the victims of human trafficking and take real action to help eradicate this scourge. The time is now to Be Brave.”

—Nick Cienski, Mission 14 Founder and CEO

In 2011, Mission 14, together with local factories and seed money from philanthropists, started a small sewing facility on the edge of La Chureca, Managua’s largest garbage dump where some 400 families lived. In many cases young girls were trafficked to put food on the family table. Poverty is a large contributor to human trafficking and the aim of the sewing facility was to create a local training center which provides real job skills and job placement at local best in class apparel manufacturers.  Our relationship with New Holland Apparel, a United States owned, but locally operated, apparel factory has donated sewing machines, excess fabric and training to our staff. Funds contributed by Cupids Foundation were used to start this wonderful initiative and Under Armour generously donated fabric and patterns. Our hope is that our training facility  becomes a template that we can replicate around the world.

Together with Our Partners

The issue of human trafficking is a problem that plagues more than 160 nations and this global problem is only second in size to the illegal drug trade. To be successful in this endeavor, we are forging partnerships with best-in-service direct service providers throughout the world. These organizations are actively engaged in rescuing victims of human trafficking and helping them rebuild their lives while preventing the exploitation of vulnerable men, women, and children. We are committed to raising awareness about this issue through education and, together with our partners, have built an easy-to-use resource portal where individuals can learn about modern-day slavery and how they can become involved in its elimination.

We Need Your Help!

Please consider donating to Mission 14®. Your support will directly benefit our initiatives in this fight.

